Asian Foods / Blog

Typical Brunei Darussalam Food that is Appetizing

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Countries in the Southeast Asian region have characteristics and patterns that are almost similar, both in terms of culture, tradition, and culinary. This is one of the reasons why many typical foods from countries in this region have a lot in common.

One example is in the typical food of Brunei Darussalam. Brunei, known as the Petro Dollar Country, has a variety of culinary delights that are heavily influenced by … Read more

Asian Foods

Typical Indonesian Food Most worldwide Taste

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It is not uncommon information that Indonesian Food is legendary for its delicacy. This typical Indonesian meals is even well-known on the earth. What are the standard Indonesian meals which can be worldwide? Try the reason under!

Betutu Duck

The Island of the Gods is already well-known for its pure attraction that captivates all eyes who go to there. Not solely the character, the culinary could be very tempting … Read more

Asian Foods

Traveling and Indonesian Food Nice to Try

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Indonesia is a country in Asia that has many characteristics, ranging from language, culture and tourism. Traveling to regions in Indonesia, in addition to enjoying the natural beauty, we can also enjoy Indonesian culinary diversity.

Typical foods we encounter in Indonesia include.

  1. Satay

Who can resist the delights of Satay. Usually this food is serve in two variants, Sate Padang and Sate Madura. Meat-based culinary, chicken or mutton, traditionally … Read more