
The endless food options we have today make it easy to not only eat low-quality foods but also overeatas well. If you don’t caution yourself, you will soon fall into the habit of overeating whether you are out or home and this has various negative effects.
To avoid the negative effects of overeating, you must eat healthy and avoid the temptation to eat more than you should. You can read about diet food companies’ online reviews on to know the right companies to get healthy food from. Some of the consequences of overeating are discussed subsequently.
Excess fat
Overeating promotes excess fat in the body. Your calorie balance is determined by how many calories you eat versus how many you can burn. When you eat more than necessary, there is a possibility that you will have a calorie surplus that your body stores as fat.
As such, you become overweight or obese and plagued by the health issues that come with it. To avoid fat gain, eat more lean foods such as lean proteins and non-starchy foods. Also, try to control your mouth any time you feel the urge to put something there.
Disrupt hunger regulation
There is a balance of hunger regulation in the body. For instance, except you have a medical condition, are pregnant or your work is physically demanding, you are not meant to be hungry all the time. Also, if you don’t feel hungry at all, that’s a problem. There is a balance, but overeating disrupts it.
If you eat foods high in salt or sugar, your body releases hormones that make you feel good and pleasured. If you eat these foods too much, over time, the body associates these positive feelings with these foods and this may cause you to eat for pleasure rather than hunger.
Increase in the risk of diseases
Eating too much consistently can lead to obesity. Occasional overeating does not have long-term effects, but you should avoid it all the same. Obesity causes a metabolic syndrome which is usually indicated by high blood pressure, insulin resistance, etc. Once you are obese, the chances of you getting heart disease and other health issues like stroke and diabetes are huge. To avoid this cluster of health conditions coming at you, reduce high-calorie foods and go for fiber-rich vegetables.
Large amounts of food in your system hinder the free flow of operations and cause bloating. Most of the things people overeat are gas-producing foods like fatty foods and soda drinks. Even though some fresh foods like beans and certain vegetable products gas too, they are not often overeaten. Eating your foods too fast can cause bloating and excess gas too. So, you should eat slowly and drink fluids after meals. Also, reduce the gassy foods you ingest.
Sluggish and tired
Overeating makes you sluggish, mentally slow, and tired. You are filled up and your body is too weak to do anything. This phenomenon is usually called reactive hypoglycemia in which your blood sugar drops after eating a large meal. Since you need all the energy and alertness you can muster to succeed in whatever you are doing, overeating is not good for you. Pay attention to what and how you eat and consult a dietitian if necessary.