Many agree that good food is one of the best “healing” ways. Sometimes, so in love with the appetizing taste, you are willing to spend time browsing websites or food blogs.
So, if you are a culinary lover, creating a food blog is a great idea to start doing business in the online world. You can become a food blogger, and turn your blog into a way to earn money from the internet.

How to Become a Food Blogger and Make Money
In short, these are the steps to create a food blog and become a food blogger:
Choose a Domain Name for your Blog
Before starting a food blog, you need to think of one of the main elements of a website: the name of the site itself. Most people will use the same domain name as their managed blog. Some websites try to rebrand, however, the process can be complicated.
So buy yourself a good name from the start and stick with it throughout your career as a food blogger.
In essence, choosing a name is something that should be given serious thought. Here are some quick tips before registering a domain for your blog:
Keep it short. The shorter your blog name, the easier it will be remembered. There are no written rules regarding this, but if you're having trouble coming up with a name, a simple name might be the best choice.
Look for available names with .com domains. When it comes to top-level domains, .com is of course the most popular TLD, so choosing a domain name available with .com can be a good strategy. Granted, you have a wide variety of choices, but going for the popular options doesn't hurt at all.
The domain name must reflect the content of your blog. For example, you might not name your food blog 'John's Diary' or 'My Personal Blog'. If you choose a name like that, people may not be able to guess what your blog is about when you promote it.
Since you want to start your career as a food blogger creating a food blog, you might want to use the name of the food and the type of recipe you will be sharing. For example, How to Cake It and Love & Lemons.
Make a Plan for the Development of Your Food Blog
So far, we’ve covered the foundation of your blog. Now, we’ll get into the specifics of how to create a food blog.
However, before getting your blog online, there are a few questions you should answer, such as:
What type of content do you want to publish?
How often will you publish the content?
Will you create all of your own content, or outsource? If so, how much money will you spend?
Do you want to monetize your food blog? If so, how do you monetize the blog?
Let’s start by addressing the first question. For example, maybe you want to review a restaurant, or share a new recipe, taking a photo of each step of the recipe and sharing it with everyone. You can also focus on reviewing the latest culinary products.
Whatever type of blog you choose, you must be sure that the topic you choose is indeed something that interests you. If not, then you will feel tired very quickly, and find it difficult to motivate yourself to continue the blog that has been made.
Once you have decided on the type of food blog, you will need to create a blogging schedule that covers at least your first month. For starters, we recommend posting one to two posts per week.
Many people try to write dozens of posts when they start their blogging career. If you can do that, then more power to you. However, it is important to understand that it takes time for a new blog to gain traction. Your goal is to get through the first few months with full enthusiasm. That way, when real traffic starts coming your way, you can scale your food blog even further to meet demand.