There are ways to celebrate good times or even bad times for all of us and for most, having a drink solo or with friends is a good way to do it.
One of the most famous drinks all around the world is tequila. It is great for shots and for making cocktails. Some people prefer drinking it longer and in higher glasses, but either way, it’s a beverage that is beloved by every alcohol lover around the world. See more on it here.
However, not all of the brands are the same. Some have a different taste than others. In this article, we’ll show you how to pick the best brand for you and make sure you enjoy your drink to the maximum. Follow up if you want to learn more!
Make a list from what’s available
It’s futile searching for brands that you can’t have. For example, some brands are only available in Mexico, while others are only sold in the States. If you can’t get your hands on them, don’t waste your time searching.
The best way to do it is by making a list of what brands are available in your local supermarket. If you prefer shopping online, make a list of those who are available for your purchase. Then, go to the next step.
See who’s the most popular
On the internet, there’s a comparison of everything and information about all the small and big things. Tequila is one of them. What you need to do next is take the list and write every one of them one by one.
You can choose a social network to see which one is the most preferred by other people, is it sold in many different parts of the world, and what their popularity in general is. Those who are almost invisible and you can’t find anyone drinking them – write them off the list. Like preparing for dreamiest White Christmas Margarita.
Read some articles about them
When you realize which ones are the most popular, it’s time to read some reviews about them. For example, read https://www.tequilareviews.com/gran-cava-de-oro-extra-anejo/ if you want to know what experts have to say about the brand Gran Cava de Oro.
You’ll see a lot of people drink it, but is it your type of beverage? The taste is different than the other tequilas out there, so you have to make sure that you’re going to like it. Don’t spend your money on something you won’t like.
See users’ reviews and comments
There are lots of pages out there that rank products from the same category. You’ve seen in it for hotels, working companies, industrial factories, and everything else. Alcohol beverages also have their part of the internet where people can review them and rank them for their quality.
However, this is not too relevant, because the taste is personal. It’s best to read the comments and see which ones are the closest to your understanding of a good drink. You’ll notice that’s some are described as sweet, licorice, and others are bitter and sharp.
Depending on what is your favorite, you need to make a choice and buy only what seems the most appropriate to you.

Mind the price
The price is important too. Some drinks are simply overrated. If the brand is popular and famous, their price will be higher than the competition. At the same time, some others might taste better and be more affordable.
Still, this doesn’t mean that you should only aim for the more affordable ones. It’s up to you to decide what’s important. If you like drinking a brand, then don’t mind the price, it’ normal to pay more for something that is already recognized as excellent.
With these points from above, it should be easier for you to make a choice about which tequila is your best cup of tea. This may be said metaphorically, but tequila in your tea is not something strange. However, finding the best one that goes with tea is important. Don’t just put anything inside, it will taste like you’re drinking pure ethanol.
Do the research and see what your favorite is. Buy this brand, and enjoy it mixed or not, solo or with friends.